PHP Array Functions

PHP Provides wide range of functions to perform operations on array.

is Array Function Example

During Runtime if you want to check with a variable is a variable or an array then php is_array() function help out from this trouble.

	//Getting the Length of an Array
	echo is_array($fruit)?"It's an array":"it's a variable";

Array Length Function Example

In Programming tasks many time we require to know the length of an unknown array.

	//Getting the Length of an Array
	echo count($fruit);

Print an Array Example

PHP provide print_r() function to print whole array with single line.


Array Sort Function Example

Sorting is very important task during retrieval/display the data from database. PHP Provides different sort functions, but currently we will discuss sort() & rsort() functions.

	sort($colors); //Sort an array in ascending order
	rsort($rcolors); //Sort an array in reverse order

Array Shuffle Function Example

There are many times when you need to put an array an random order. so don’t worry PHP Have shuffle() function to perform this operation.

	print_r($colors); // every time you will see the different color at different index

Array Reset Function Example

Reset() function moves the array index pointer to the first index of an array.

	echo reset($colors);

Array End Function Example

End() function moves the array index pointer to the last index of an array.

	echo end($colors); //Move the array Index Pointer to Last Index of an array and return the value of last index

Explode Function Example

Some time we have long string with same pattern and want to divide this long string into array. explode() function will convert a string to an array.

	$URL_array=explode('/',$URL); //divide the string into different parts on the base of forward slash (/)